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Aug 23, 2021 | Grayson Hannivan | 956 views
                  ******WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO REGISTER ON TIME?******

 We are receiving many questions in regards to starting dates and the regular schedule. We cannot accurately answer these questions until the majority of our players have registered.


******WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO REGISTER ON TIME?****** We are receiving many questions in regards to starting dates and the regular schedule. We cannot accurately answer these questions until the majority of our players have registered. This will give us an accurate estimate on how much ice time that we can commit to for the arenas to open on the proposed starting dates. This will also help us determine how many teams we will need and give us the ability to start creating a seasonal calendar. The sooner you register the sooner we can have these answers. WE ARE ASKING THAT EVERYONE WHO PLANS ON PLAYING SPARTAN HOCKEY THIS YEAR MAKE AN EFFORT TO REGISTER BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1ST.

SEASONAL GAMEPLAY U11 and above in both our Representative league and the local league is planning for a 5 on 5 regular gameplay hockey season vs other Associations. U9 will still be half-ice until January playing other associations and u7 and u8 will be half-ice also playing other associations. (Normal)
SPECTATORS Both Dundalk and Flesherton arenas will be allowing spectators. We are currently waiting on updated COVID arena protocols, such as masking screening, etc.
TENTATIVE ARENA OPENING DATE Grey Highlands (Flesherton arena) September 20th. Southgate (Dundalk arena) Oct 8th 
REFUNDS AND PRICING If our hockey season does come to a stop because of COVID we are prepared to reimburse families on a pro-rated basis. If by chance we do have to re-enter covid gameplay pricing will remain the same as we still purchase and offer the same amount of ice time and still have to pay refs for gameplay. However our current focus is preparing for a normal 5 on 5 hockey season, so please register soon.

REGISTRATION Registration is now available here REGISTRATION LINK
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OR PAYMENT PLANS If you are in need of financial assistance, please visit this link FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS for groups that may help. If you want to register but are in need of a payment plan please contact our registrar at SOUTHGREYMINORHOCKEYREGISTR[email protected]
ONLINE COACH APPLICATIONS ******We need coaches******* We have only confirmed coaches for u13 Rep, U18 Rep, and U8. Our previous deadline closed on August 9th as advertised, but has now re-opened CLICK HERE TO APPLY.
NEW JERSEYS South Grey Minor Hockey Association is proud to announce that we have placed an order for our brand new Spartan jerseys. To complement our new jerseys we have decided to supply all Spartan players with free matching spartan socks for the 2021-2022 season only.
SPONSORS South Grey Minor Hockey Association is currently seeking sponsors for the 2021-2022 season. If you or you know of anyone who may be interested please send inquires to
BAUER FIRST SHIFT please feel free to pass on Bauer's first shift information to someone in our area who may be interested
South Grey Minor Hockey has been approved to run the Bauer First Shift Spring Program starting January 2022. This program is open to children born between January 1, 2011, and May 1, 2016, who have never been registered to play hockey.$229 gets your 6-10-year-old a full set of hockey equipment and 6 on-ice sessions. There are only 30 spots available we have currently filled 13. so if you want to get in on this incredible opportunity, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER For a full program, overview CLICK HERE

SOUTH GREY MINOR HOCKEY MERCH STORE Check out our merch store today and get your Spartans gear CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS
FLIPGIVE if you shop online try shopping through flip give. This is an easy convenient way to support South Grey Minor Hockey. With hundreds of popular stores to choose from, FlipGive will give South Grey Minor Hockey money back at no extra cost to the users. We have currently raised $583 just by shopping. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED TODAY. Use the code PKYR4X

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Please feel free to contact us with any questions concerns or comments.
kind Regards
South Grey Minor Hockey Staff
Locally operated for over 20 years. All print and decoration proudly done in small town Dundalk.