SEASON UPDATE # 2, News (South Grey Minor Hockey)

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Oct 06, 2020 | Grayson Hannivan | 934 views
First and foremost I would like to thank each and every hockey family that has decided to be a part of South Grey Minor hockey for the 2020-2021 season.

First and foremost I would like to thank each and every hockey family that has decided to be a part of South Grey Minor hockey for the 2020-2021 season. Although these are difficult challenging times South Grey Minor Hockey Executive staff have been working diligently together to provide a safe quality hockey program for this season and seasons to come.
It has been very challenging Start up dealing with various COVID regulations, restrictions and rules not only from the Ontario Government but from the Municipalities, Ontario Hockey Federation, Ontario Minor Hockey Association and Our local public health units.
However we are almost ready to kick off our first season as The Spartans!!!!
As of this email ice has been confirmed in Flesherton starting the week of October 13th we are currently awaiting ice allocations from the Municipality of Grey Highlands and hope to have a association schedule coming soon. Our Dundalk Facility has confirmed they will start operations the week of November 7th. Although these are the most current dates given, the Municipalities have the authority to change these dates based on the continual monitoring of the COVID situation.

As mentioned in previous emails our first few weeks will consist of skill development, conditioning and skill evaluation. Moving into the month of November we will start to have modified in house gameplay. All modified games will have referees and be sanctioned by OMHA. This is what we are capable of offering in OHF's current hockey Stage which is 3b. 

Last but not least safety is always a priority. We must be diligent in our arenas this season. If we wish for our arenas to stay open we must follow their covid protocols. SGMHA will also follow OHF expectation that before ever practice and game an online screening form will be filled out on our website. Along with the screening form there will be a contact tracing sheet upon entrance to track attendance and individuals in the building.

For the most up to date and recent information please visit our website frequently.  You can find information such as: Current registration information, coach applications, financial assistant information, covid screening form,*municipality covid procedures, *modified gameplay information, stage 3b information and more.

I would like to thank everyone for the time and patients during this season preparation.

Hope to see everyone on ice soon.

Go spartans

South Grey Minor Hockey
Ken Watson Memorial
Fundraising together the Friends and Family as a memorial to long time coach and supporter of Minor Hockey Ken Watson